Our Vision: To deliver a Greener and Healthier world to our future generation.
Our Vision: To deliver a Greener and Healthier world to our future generation.
Our Mission: To reverse the depletion of Carbon sinks, which we do by creating Forests.
Traversing through rounds of Industrial Revolution, Technological breakthroughs, Population explosion; much of our progress has come at a considerable cost to the environment. The pattern of skewed and unmindful claims of humanity and resultant clearing of forests to produce more food, raw material and economic development has led to reckless degradation of environment. This has an effect of catalyzing the “shrinking of carbon sinks” at a frightening rate thereby worsening the climate crisis. The climate change and its associated disastrous manifestations sees no boundaries and spares no one.
Comprehending the state of Climate Emergency, more than 140 countries have pledged, through the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use, to eliminate forest loss by 2030 and to support restoration and sustainable forestry. There is no time to lose, we need to act proactively in arresting the rate of environmental deterioration and rise in global temperature.
In order to recoup the loss of forest already undergone, the need for a more efficacious and swifter measures is indispensable. To this predicament, a Japanese Botanist Dr. Akira Miyawaki put forth a technique of creating denser forest at a faster rate. The Project “Aranya Ropan” is an initiative pointed towards the aim of creating a greener and cleaner world to sustainably habitat in. Under this Project, we are drifting from conventional plantation to rather creation of Mini Forest through Miyawaki Technique in which plants relatively grow 10x faster and 30x denser.
The Urban areas draws our special attention on account of Urban Heat Island Effect. Due to replacement of Natural Forests with Concrete installations, these Urban Heat Islands have relatively higher temperatures than nearby rural areas. This effect invariably augments the need of Air Conditioners thereby increasing the energy costs, air pollution levels, and heat related illness and mortality. Therefore, Project Aranya Ropan particularly places precise focus on creation of Urban Forests.
It’s a lot easier to drink water when you have a glass. Similarly, though there is a considerable understanding on the efficacy of Forests, the Project Aranya Ropan is devised to streamline all the efforts towards Forest Creation in a dedicated and staggered manner. The Forests we create through Miyawaki Technique are 100% organic and chemical free; and consist of diverse indigenous species. We believe that understanding of Forest must not confine to just a habitat of wild species in remote areas. We endeavor to deliver tailor made Forest in every empty spaces near to us which will invariably contribute in water conservation, better air quality, management of temperature and global warming and overall ecosystem.
1. Forests are called carbon sinks because they have a capacity to absorb carbon from atmosphere and store it. Deforestation disturb the carbon balance and increase the Global Warming.
2. There’s no other way except massive afforestation to limit the global temperature to 2 degree Celsius let alone 1.5 degree Celsius.
3. According to UNEP, each year approximately 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed. This deforestation, together with agriculture and other land use changes, is responsible for roughly 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
4. India has set the target of bringing at least 33% of its geographical area under Forest Cover.
5. According to the 2021 India State of Forest Report released by Forest Survey of India, the total forest and tree cover in India is 80.9 million hectares, which is 24.62% of the geographical area of the country. However, as per Global Forest Watch, out of whole forest and tree cover mere 12% is Natural tree cover.
6. India is a home of diverse Tribes which are dependent on Forest for their livelihood. Reports say that Non-timber forest products like fruits are the largest unorganized economic sector in India with a turnover of more than 788 million USD, supporting the livelihoods of 250 million people.
7. According to Global Forest Watch, loss of tree cover in India releases an average of 0.037 gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year. This is equivalent to emissions produced by the consumption of 4 billion gallons of gasoline.
8. The State of Rajasthan is Forest deficient state with only 4.87% of its geographical area under Forest Cover as per 2021 India State of Forest Report. Of the total, meagre 0.02% is in the category of Very Dense Forest.
9. The total carbon stock of forest in Rajasthan is 110.77 million tonnes (406 million tonnes Carbon equivalent) which is 1.54% of total forest carbon of the country.
1. The Indian Forest Act, 1927: It prohibits felling of trees without the government approval which is punishable with both fine and 3 months of imprisonment. The fine imposed for cutting a tree without any permission by the District Forest Officer depends on the value of the tree, which depends on the tree’s age.
2. The Forest Conservation Act, 1980: It regulates the diversion of forest lands to non-forestry purposes with an aim to strike a logical balance between developmental needs of the country and its natural assets. It also provides for Compensatory Afforestation and wildlife habitat improvement plan.
The Supreme Court held that prior permission of Central Government is mandatory to allow any change in the use of Forest land or deemed forest land. Therefore, the State Government or competent authority cannot permit its use for non-forest activities without the prior approval of the Central Government.
4. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006: It makes a provision for ownership rights over forestland to traditional forest dwellers.
Activities under Intervention Plan
A. Creation of Customized Forest through Miyawaki Technique for Businesses, Individuals and other Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006:
The desideratum of climate mitigation and adaptation doesn’t offer any liberty of inaction to anyone. Despite it being a responsibility, the green initiatives offers appreciable benefits to individuals, businesses, corporates and other institutions. The benefits of contribution towards green initiatives goes well beyond just feeling good about nurturing the environment.
Unlike conventional focus on just financial returns, nowadays society is showing inclination to associate with businesses that are more responsible towards environmental sustainability. Studies shows that even employees are more inclined to work for those companies which are considered Eco-friendly. There’s no gainsaying that “Being Green” is in vogue these days.
An Article in Entrepreneur by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey categorically demonstrated that customers trust and prefer sustainable companies.
Therefore, we facilitate individuals, businesses, corporates and other institutions with the creation of Miyawaki Forest as per their specifications on their own land parcels. The Cost of project vary accordingly whose details are provided under the head of Budget Estimates in succeeding sections. The responsibility of Maintenance and all other rights on the land remain with the customer institution.
B. Creation of own Miyawaki Forests through crowd funding
Abhyutthanam Society also endeavor to create its own Miyawaki Forests on vacant lands like schools, forest lands upon government approval, community lands, other government lands upon approval, etc. The cost these Miyawaki Forests will be borne by the Society from its fund which comprise of donations, sponsorships, government funding, CSR funds, etc.
C. Tithi Ropan
Trees are living souvenirs of life events which immortalizes the special occasions and person for eternity. We commonly remember trees with certain events or with the name of person who planted it. In line with this, Abhyutthanam Society endeavor to motivate people to plant as many trees on their noteworthy events like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Death Anniversaries, House Warming ceremonies, inauguration ceremonies, etc. We will provide all assistance in locating the vacant land parcels, procurement of material, machinery and labour, etc. at the reasonable cost.
D. Creation of Smriti Jungles
The souls of our dear ones who have transcended towards their heavenly abode have indeed departed this physical world yet must not depart our hearts. The most ideal way to pay an honor to loved ones who have passed away is to create a living reminder. Thus, Abhyutthanam Society endeavor to create Smriti Jungles to pay tribute to Martyrs, to people who lost lives during covid, disasters, etc. As it is known that Forests supply us life essential oxygen, we believe that each breath will remind us of our dear ones in whose memory the Smriti Jungle will be planted.
E. Seminars and Workshops
It is not the awareness regarding Right to sustainable Environement but the awareness regarding Duty towards this right which is the essence of our awareness scheme. The Right to Healthy Environment is recognized as Fundamental right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The Constitutional Courts of India have extended the concept of sustainability by recognizing “Mother Nature” as living entity. With the status of “living entity”, elements of nature like rivers, forests, mountains, etc. enjoy certain set of rights like right to exist, thrive, evolve and maintain their natural cycles. We design our awareness campaign in a way that enable people to understand the new legal developments and make them conscious of their duty towards Nature.
F. Digital Campaign
Media plays a crucial role in imparting awareness. Media link us with a considerable number of people through newspaper, posters, pamphlets, social media like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Today’s youth is Tomorrow’s Future and is capable of bringing a revolution in present as well as future, thus we endeavor to make this youth aware of their duty towards society through social media. Every drop makes an ocean, and so we believe that even a single persons’ support will inspire our vision to earn wings. “Nurturing the Nature” will not be achieved by an individual or two rather all must unitedly stand to give it a reality. We will undertake extensive social media campaign to make people aware about the novel Miyawaki Technique of Forest Creation.
G. Aranya Veer Campus Ambassador Programme
The Aranya Ropan campaign requires approximately 100 routine and regular volunteers to achieve its goal and the same will be recruited through Aranya Veer Campus Ambassador Programme. Under this programme, the young students from colleges will be encouraged to become campus ambassador of Abhyutthanam Society of their respective college and promote the cause of Project Aranya Ropan i.e. Forest Creation and create their own team for the campaign in lieu of certain incentives.